
Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Fastest Way To Increase Credit Scores and Earn Cash Weekly

Dear Hardworking American,

If you're “fed up” with bad credit controlling you and are sick and tired of all the LIES and B.S. about credit repair, then today will be the first day of the rest of your life…


Because most of us have two lives; the life we live, and the unlived life within us. My goal (today), is to help you start living the unlived life within you. You know… the one that's on your mind a lot.

Today I'm going to share with you the truth about credit repair and what the Banks, Credit Bureaus, Collection Agencies (and Credit Repair Companies) hope you NEVER  find out…

In a moment you'll discover:

   1. Three Reasons Why I'm Your “Go-To-Guy” to Help You Start Improving Your Credit Score Quickly and Easily.
   2. The Six Ways You're Going to Get SCREWED if You Do Nothing About Fixing Your Credit.
   3. Why the “Fast Score System” Will Help You Improve Your Credit Faster Than Anything and Teach You How to Earn up to $2,400 or more weekly.

Let's Get Personal

My name is Freddy Lee. I'm 45 years old and live in Chesapeake, VA. I'm writing this letter to you knowing my story will be hard to believe, but I hope you'll give me a chance…

I just may be the one guy to help you change your life and turn it around in a big kind of way. But first, I'd like to share something personal about myself. Something that caused me pain for years and I'll never forget.

It's something I haven't been able or had the guts to share, until now. The reality is, I used to have a…Credit Score of 489

Yes, I said 489. Sure, I can look back on it today and it's “no big deal”. But let me tell you, back when I was living with it, it was a BIG DEAL! I felt like a dark cloud surrounded me wherever I went. I felt like a second class citizen (literally). I couldn't borrow a dime if my life depended upon it… But worse, I felt trapped.

If you've ever felt like this, then please, keep reading because I'm here to help. Like you, I tried all sorts of “programs and systems” over the years to make money fast and fix my credit.

Today, I'm going to share (for your benefit) a lot about what I've learned so you don't make the same mistakes.

I've figured out the credit system and have made a business out of helping hardworking Americans like you get on the “Fast Track” to better credit and financial wisdom.

While the following statement will probably come across as arrogant, I'll say it anyway. If you're looking to get ripped-off…

You're on the WRONG site.

Here's the deal: I'm just an ordinary guy who “royally screwed up” his credit years ago and wound up making a business out of helping people when they find themselves in the same shoes I was once in.

                             The Six Ways You're Going to Get Screwed
                              If You Do NOTHING to Fix Your Credit!

Back in the days when life was simple… being approved for credit was simple too. The decision was based upon a personal relationship and who you were as a person.

Today it's based on nothing but a “three digit number” spit out by a computer in less than 2 seconds. That three digit number is your credit score, and I don't need to tell you if you don't start doing something about it, it will…Keep Making Your Life Miserable.

 Living with bad credit today is more difficult than ever before. If you don't like the idea of other people controlling you, then you need to quit procrastinating about fixing your credit.

Here's why: more people than ever are using your credit score to judge you and reject you for almost all of life's basic necessities. To add insult to injury, they do this in most cases…Without Ever Meeting You

Here's six quick examples…

   1. Where You Get to Work (over 50% of employers are now running credit checks on new applicants).
   2. Where You Get to Live (when it comes to renting many landlords are pickier than the banks).
   3. What You Pay for Basic Utilities (water, gas, electric and trash... they all want deposits with bad credit).
   4. What You Pay for Home and Auto Insurance (people with bad credit have more claims so they have to pay more).
   5. Your Ability to Get Unsecured Loans and Credit (borrowing money for anything is tougher today than yesterday).
   6. Your Ability to Invest in Real Estate (see below).

Of course, if you don't fix your credit you'll want to get good at dealing with landlords (as you'll have them in your life for a long time).

Remember, there are a lot of people who profit from your bad credit…Don't Be Foolish, and don't give those people your money!

My business is to help you get from where you are today… to where you “want to be” tomorrow. That may sound strange, but think about it. If you had a 740+ credit score tomorrow do you realize what you could do? Let me tell you. You could…

Buy a New Car… with just your signature.

Buy a New Home… with just your signature.

Get Any Credit Card… with just your signature.

Refinance Your Home… with just your signature.

Raise $10,000 Instant Cash… with just your signature.

Get a Loan to Start a Business… with just your signature.

You could rent a new place to live (if you wanted one). You could rent an office (if you wanted one). You wouldn't have to worry about getting a new job (if you needed one). More importantly, you'd be…In Total Control of YOUR Life and Living on YOUR Terms
(not someone else's).

Let's be blunt. The fact you've read this far proves you're a “doer” and not a “talker” and I respect that. Why? Because we both know “talk is cheap” and “actions speak louder than words”.

Listen. I know you want to change your life. I also know you're ready to “take action” and make it happen. More importantly, I know you're looking for the best way to do it. In other words, you're not “messing around” anymore.

It's pretty simple. Today, when you change your credit score you change  your life. You're ready for the Ultimate Credit Repair Solution; so here it is…

Many Americans are overwhelmed and confused… even intimidated by the Credit Bureaus and Collection Agencies. They don't know their rights (let alone how to exercise them). I'm here to simplify things for you.

While some “experts” would love to have you believe you're powerless and need to pay them, I'll tell you different; a lot different. All you need is accurate information (and support) on how to exercise your rights.

If you have current up to date strategies on how to do this you'll be amazed at the results. Really, it's simple. Before we get rolling, let me give you a few hypothetical examples…

                                                   Case Study #1:

                                                    Meet Marques

Marquese was an ambitious guy who destroyed his credit chasing MLM's and business opportunities over the years. Now, Michael really needs his credit for a business that IS making money.

Among other things, he had a 2.5 year old Unpaid Charge-Off and half a dozen Inquiries on his credit report that would have him “walking on water” if he could get them deleted. Know the feeling?

He asked if it was legal to dispute the items knowing they were his (as you know, it's not). However, we did inform him he had another option (and a powerful one at that).

Under the FCRA you have a right that every item on your credit report must (by law) meet three requirements (listen closely):

   1. The item must be 100% COMPLETE.
   2. The item must be 100% ACCURATE.
   3. The item must be 100% VERIFIABLE.

With this information we showed Marquese how to (quickly and easily) make sure these items on his credit report met all three of the above requirements. The results…

Marquese got the 2.5 year old Unpaid Charge-Off DELETED in less than 20 days (over half the inquiries were deleted as well but took a little longer). Was this a fluke? Not really…

It's a matter of having the right information and right strategies (the rest is simple). I know this will upset a lot of people but I'll say it anyway; credit repair is nothing more than communicating with the Credit Bureaus, Collectors, Furnishers and a few other organizations.

Sure, you need to know exactly what to say and how to say it but…

For the most part we're talking about mailing letters, sending emails or faxes and occasionally making phone calls. It's not difficult when you have proper guidance and support.

 When you know what to say and who to say it to, in some cases the results can be magical. That's where the “Credit Secrets Bible” comes in. It lays this out for you step by step, like a “cook book”. Another example…

                                                 Case Study #2:

                                                    Meet John

John's a single dad who had a Bankruptcy from a nasty divorce and he desperately wanted to get back into a home. He had the “Credit Repair Intelligence System” and asked about a particular strategy for his situation.

We told him flat out “it's a long shot but you'd be a fool not to try” and try he did. The outcome was impressive…

John got lucky and his bankruptcy was deleted from two of the three major credit bureaus (the third would not budge and he became frustrated). However, we shared with John this was a HUGE WIN. Here's why…

His bankruptcy was now only showing up on one credit bureau. By applying for credit with companies which only pulled credit from the other two bureaus, he could rebuild his credit… FAST.

Remember, when you know what you're doing, a little strategy goes a LONG way.

                                                 Case Study #3:

                                                 Meet Mary Anne

Mary Anne was a divorced mom (with a heart of gold) who married the wrong guy and had two children with him. Years later she still had her “movie star looks” but her credit report (needless to say) didn't.

A less than amicable divorce left her credit needing more than a “facelift”. She had a foreclosure, auto repossession, charge-offs, collections and a student loan; it was a disaster (much like her previous marriage).

However, we helped her develop a simple plan (fortunately) she stuck with it.

She used simple techniques and strategies (many which we invented before anyone else) and was persistent over time. Some of the strategies included:

“Indirect” Disputing
Collection “KO” Method
Advanced Credit “Profiling”
“Two Dimensional” Credit Repair

In short order she went from a credit score in the mid 500's to over 725. Those are just numbers though. The real goal was she got a home (of her own) and regained a feeling of independence I don't think even she could put a price on.

 You CAN Do This!

The “Credit Secrets Bible” is the “Ultimate Credit Repair Solution” because it shows you “step-by-step” how to address every possible credit challenge you could face. Including…

    * Inquiries
    * Tax Liens
    * Evictions
    * Late Pays
    * Judgments
    * Bankruptcy
    * Foreclosure
    * Charge-Offs
    * Child Support
    * Student Loans
    * Medical Collections
    * Creditor Collections
    * Automotive Repossessions
    * And anything else you can imagine…

 Are you ready to change your credit score (and change your life)?

                                        Your Moment of Decision

Time is running out. And, in a few minutes, I'm going to make you an offer that will be difficult to refuse (very difficult). But there's good news…

If you accept it, your life will change…

It will be an exciting moment as it's your moment; your moment of decision. I'm not here to try and talk you into anything. I'm only here presenting the facts and the fact is…

It's not for me to decide if what I have to offer is for you (it's up to you). After all, it's your life, not mine.

However, before we wrap up, I want you to think about the following:

   1.  You KNOW the six ways bad credit will continue to control your life (if you do nothing about it).
   2. You KNOW the other three options for improving your credit (and why you should avoid them).
   3. You KNOW you have to “do something” because (like the rest of us) you're not getting any younger.

Honestly, if one doesn't realize I'm the real deal (at this point) then it may be best for them to “take their business elsewhere”. But speaking of the real deal...

                             Let's Talk About a “Real Deal” for You

Now what if you could learn the secrets to fixing your credit fast PLUS  learn a skill that could provide you with a…Guaranteed Income for LIFE. You can earn up to $2,400 WEEKLY and possibly more. The information you're going to learn with the "Fast Score System"  will give you the skills to start a business and earn a six-figure income helping people while securing your financial future.

All you have to do is refer people to the 1-800 number using our simple but yet powerful techniques. When people call in, the potential customers have to give your name and ID number before the program and business is explained to them. This way you get credit from any sales that are made. Believe me, the company’s sales force can close an amazing 25-40%the people that call in. That means, out of every 5 people call in, they can close 1 to 2 sales you.

Understand that their sales staff also receives commissions for every order they close, so they are much more motivated to give you their very best. They are diligent, courteous, non-pushy and “true”in this business.
You earn an immediate $200 to $400 for every “FAST SCORE SYSTEM” with Business Opportunity they sell for you.

           5 sales a week =  Pays you  $1,000 to $2,000           
          10 sales a week = Pays you $2,000 to $4,000     
          20 sales a week = Pays you $4,000 to $8,000      


 I am making a fortune by emailing or faxing only a few of my letters a week for the Fast Score System. How much you may ask? Well to be on the conservative side, I am getting an average of 1% to 3% order rate. In fact, I’ve never have received less than 1 %. I’ve even received as much as 5% order rate.  For those who need help with the math… Here are the figures…
 1000 Flyer faxed @ 1% to 3% response rate @ $200 per order = YOUR EARNINGS $2,000 TO $6,000

 2000 Letters emailed @ 1% to 3% response rate @ $400 per order = YOUR EARNINGS $8,000 TO $24,000

This is REAL INCOME that YOU can make. I should know; I'm doing it! WEEKLY

This is why 20 or more people out of every 40-100 responses who receive this offer, don't waste a minute sending their order in! It would be like committing financial suicide to ignore.

Get This…Even If You Only Get A ½ of A Percent Which Is Unlikely, with the Fast Score System Pay Plan...You Will Still Make Killer Profits.

If you receive 20 orders this equates to $200 X 20 orders = $4,000 in 7 days!
If you receive 20 orders this equates to $400 X 20 orders = $8,000 in 7 days!

Naturally you may do more. In most cases you will. The least amount of orders I've received has been 6 orders in a week (during December – Christmas Time - $1200) with the most being 40 orders from a 1000 to 2000 piece fax blast or a 25,000 to 100,000 NON-SPAM email blast!

Most people spend a small fortune to get a meager ½ percent to 1 percent response rate mailing company flyers and only receiving a few lousy bucks a month..

However, once you do know the right broadcasting companies to use, then making a ton of money with email or fax broadcasting is just like taking candy from a baby!  The key is finding companies that send emails or faxes to people that have OPT-IN for receiving information on what you are selling. It can be people from newsgroups, people that buy products from an internet site and are requesting information on other similar products etc…This equates to NON-SPAM EMALING or FAXING and BIG BUCKS FOR YOU.

The all new “FAST SCORE SYSTEM” lets you be part of the multibillion dollar credit repair business without doing any of the hard work. Get Paid In As Little As 24hrs from starting. NO SELLING, TALKING OR CONVINCING NECESSARY-AUTOMATIC TURNKEY SYSTEM that does the selling and...

                                          We Close the SALES for YOU!.

Combine all of these things together and success is guaranteed for anyone who uses this system!

I hope (by now) you understand this IS a “no brainer” because we're now at the part where the “doers” and “talkers” part ways.

I believe you're a “doer” or you never would have made it this far. Am I right?

Your life today is a culmination of all the decisions you made in the past. Are you satisfied with it? If not, the quickest way to change your life is by changing your decisions; as your life tomorrow will be determined by the decision you make today.

"Thoughts determine what you Want...ACTION determines what you GET"

Take action now, call this number 757.770.2279 and order your Fast Score System
Don't procrastinate! Three months from now you may have wished you started today. Call Now!

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